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Collection Items

SGA Polo
This is an SGA Polo.

Newly Elected Student Government Association Officers
Newly elected student Government Association Officers at Madison College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, for the Academic year 1954-55. Reading left to right standing are: Miss Norma Procter, President of Student Government Association, Millboro, Va. Miss…

1917 Executive board
This photograph is of the Student Government Associations Executive Board during the 1917 Winter Quarter

SGA Bill # 5
This bill states that it is the responsibility of students over the age of 18 to notify parents of alcohol violations, not the responsibility of the University.

SGA Bill # 7
This bill calls for James Madison University to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day as an observed University Holiday.

SGA Bill # 24
This bill requests for James Madison University to consider installing chimes in the Wilson clock tower.

SGA Bill
In this bill, the SGA formally challenges the staff of the Breeze to a game of softball.

SGA Bill # 27
This bill seeks to reinstate the sale of curly fries at PC Dukes.

SGA Bill # 26
This bill wishes to change to the name of JMU buildings named after Civil War Soldiers -Jackson and Ashby hall.

SGA Bill #48
This bill seeks to move womens studies from a minor to a major academic program.
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