This item is a 19th Century poem about slavery, written by an unknown author, presumably a slave themselves. The writer recounts the life of a slave in Tenth Legion, an area in northern Rockingham County, that they describe as “a braggy place, where…
This photo is of a male student sleeping; the table adjacent to him is covered in snack bags (such as cookies), bottles and cans of Miller beer, Kool cigarettes, and what appears to be a ceramic water pipe. Currently, while alcohol is allowed in…
Smaller pennants, as well as the large ones displayed here, were also popular with the students. Even during the Madison College era, the rules had not changed regarding wall decorations. Freshmen were told outright that they were “not permitted to…
These students, identified as Becky Lillard and Wendy Coplen, are shown here in Chandler Hall, Suite 310. Posters are attached to the wall, instead of framed pictures, and one of these posters is devoted to alcohol. A Disney character and a…
Used for a black recruitment brochure, a JMU student poses for a picture reading The Breeze on the Quad. The Quad has often been a location where many JMU students and even Harrisonburg residents take the opportunity to enjoy the weather on a warm…