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This Bill discusses the desire to replace the schools fall break with a week long Thanksgiving Break.

This article from the Breese provides a humorous assessment of what the author believes Harrisonburg and JMU will look like in 2015.

A Chance to Live Poster1 Edited.pdf
A Chance to Live Exhibit Poster

Vertical Timeline 4 PDF.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.

Vertical Timeline 3 PDF.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.

Vertical Timeline 2 PDF.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.

Vertical Timeline 1.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.
This sign replaced and renamed the road that was once Cantrell Avenue in downtown Harrisonburg. Passing on August 13, 2013, the City Council voted to rename the street. The renaming of the street, an action pushed forward with much local support and…
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