Browse Items (216 total)

This bill calls for James Madison University to recognize Martin Luther King Jr. Day as an observed University Holiday.

This bill encourages students to tie yellow ribbons around the trees on campus in support of the soldiers in the middle east.

This bill states that it is the responsibility of students over the age of 18 to notify parents of alcohol violations, not the responsibility of the University.

This bill discusses the need for better quality toilet paper in the residence halls.

This bill seeks to reinstate the sale of curly fries at PC Dukes.

This bill wishes to change to the name of JMU buildings named after Civil War Soldiers -Jackson and Ashby hall.

This bill requests for James Madison University to consider installing chimes in the Wilson clock tower.

This bill stresses the importance of the Duke Dog mascot and what it symbolizes for the school.

This Bill discusses the desire to replace the schools fall break with a week long Thanksgiving Break.

In this bill, the SGA formally challenges the staff of the Breeze to a game of softball.
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