Browse Items (216 total)
JMU students holding hands and singing together during a block party for Black Awareness Month.
Pennants were common decorations in student dorm rooms. They were often made of wool felt and demonstrated support for a particular school or sport. Many resident students hung them on the walls, both for their own and other schools like Virginia…

Heralds on horseback lead the procession down Main Street.

This correspondence from Hubert Humphrey, member of the United States Senate Committee of Foreign Relation, discusses the importance of American students to attend the World Youth Festival in Vienna in a hope to help dissipate the communist…

This list of policies and regulations, provided by the Dean of Women, applies to the conduct of the students at the State Teacher College at Harrisonburg.

Marble raceway patented September 9, 1980 by Raymond Crawford, design no. 256,811 (Information from "Books & Bookends: Sculptural Approaches, 1989-1991 Traveling Exhibition by Carol Barton and Henry Barrow.)
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