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Interview with Shilvenna Leskanich.mp3
Shilvenna talked about the different bookstores that have impacted her life and her children's life. There were references to Green Valley Book Fair, Crown Books, and Boarders.

Interview with Susan Burwell.m4a
I, Nora Raher, visited the Reston's Used Bookshop in Reston, Virginia to conduct and interview with Susan Burwell, current owner of the Reston's Used Bookshop.

Tracy explains her love of books and how even though she does have an e-reader, she refuses to believe bookstores will become obsolete in the near future.

The interview covers Zachary Kane's reflections on his relationship with books and bookstores throughout his life, particularly during his college career as an English major at a large public university.

The interview covers Robert's experiences in bookstores all throughout America during his travel in the Navy. He has visited about fifteen different bookstores in different states and explains differences and similarities between them, as well as…
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