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Beth Ferry Interview 1.mp3
The interview of Beth Ferry gave us insight on her childhood memories of Bookmobile coming to her elementary school. She touches on how this bookstore has influenced her in becoming an author and the role bookstores have in society today.

Oral History Interview with Ed Livernoche.mp3
In this interview Ed tells us about what he appreciated most about bookstores in Princeton, New Jersey. He focuses on the style of Borders that drew him there. He appreciated the open style of Borders and he also liked that they frequently had…

The Strand Interview.m4a
A personal look into the day-to-day on goings at one of New York City's most historic bookstores through the eyes of a veteran employee.

Hist Brit.mp3
Through this interview I found how a bookstore can truly impact ones life. My interviewee spoke about the Green Valley Book Fair, and how it helped her escape a time of depression during her sophomore year in college. During that time she withdrew…

Interview with Bob Schurtz.mp3
An interview with Bob Schurtz, the owner and operator of Downtown Books in Downtown Harrisonburg, Virginia, talking about todays bookstores and the effect of technology on said bookstores.

Professor Nick Webb's experience with his local bookstore from his hometown of Lynchburg, Virginia.

Oral History Interview.mp3
In this interview we discussed how Griffin was influenced by The Book Barn and how he grew to appreciate bookstores after experiencing an wide variety of memories. We also discussed the impact bookstores have made in different areas and how the rise…

Interview with Dominika Seal .mp3
This Interview covers the personal life experiences of Dominika Seal with books and bookstores when she was growing up in New York. She talks about a particular bookstore that she visited almost everyday after school as a place where people gathered,…

This was an interview done with the two most avid readers I have ever met. Even though they did not give me information on a specific bookstore, they gave some compelling first hand accounts on the general state of bookstores during their youth. They…

A look into the impact of this bookstore on Max during childhood and his view on the future of bookstores as well as the impact of books on children.

20151105 102826.m4a
In this interview, James Marafino discussed his feelings towards bookstores, his feeling towards a shift in electronic books, and how each bookstore he has encountered is equally special to him.

History interview.mp3
In this interview Brianna discusses her experiences with the Clinton Book store in New Jersey. She talks about her experiences there as a child, and how they differ from her experiences when she volunteered there in high school

Bookstore 1.mp3
In this interview, I talked to a young woman named Kim Meadows. I actually met her in my hometown, Chesterfield VA, but I composed this interview with her over the phone. I think this interview is unique because she works at a Christian bookstore.

Devon shares his perspective on bookstores today and how things have changed due to technology.

Taylor Belk Interview.mp3
Taylor Belk discusses a local bookstore in her home town of Greensboro, North Carolina.

bookstore mp3.mp3
In this interview I interviewed Corey about his experience at the Barnes and Nobles in Charolettsville, VA. He talked about coming from a historical area and how that shaped the books he read. He also talked about how electronic bookstores have…

IMG 0086.mp3
In this interview Jason Rosenhouse talks about his life as a 'book person.' He talks about three book shops and their roles throughout his life. The first bookstore introduces him into the world of books. The second is one of his most favorite…

Jan Smith interview.mp3
In this Interview, Mrs. Jan Smith discusses her experiences with the "All Booked Up" book store in The Villages, Florida. She recalls specific accounts where the store's personability and warm atmosphere outshines that of a large chain bookstore.

Oral History interview.m4a
In this interview, Ian, had the opportunity to work in two bookstores in Hawaii and today a library located in Virginia Beach. Some topics discussed were the location and impact of where these shops were located, his every day work duties and the…

Hist225 Interview.mp3
In this Interview Aj talks about his life growing up with books and visiting the bookstore. He grew up to work in the coffee shop in the book store and was always around them. AJ exclaims that he was influenced greatly by the people he met at the…

Call 2015.11.09 12.05.33.mp3
Lieutenant Colonel Bill Ruhling shares stories of his youth as he worked at his local Bookstore in Independence Missouri

Sian White Interview.mp3
I interviewed my english professor, Dr. White, for this interview.

In this interview, Karla and I discussed the experiences she have encountered since working at the bookstores. We also discussed the relevance of bookstores and how it can be similar or different to other bookstores and/or libraries as well as it's…

In this interview, we discussed topics such as leisurely time spent in bookstores as well as time spent working in the specific bookstore. The different conversations that employees would have with customers and also the relationships between the…

Oral interview.mp3
The interview had covered several topics. Ranging from her experience with customers at the bookstore. To things such as her roll while working at the bookstore.

VID00002 - Copy.mp3
Dr. Hartog gives us her insight on the significance of bookstores and their future.

In this interview we talked about how importany books have been in Dr. Bosch's life and the impact she feels they have made in her community. We also discussed technology and the future role that book stores will play in the community.

In this interview I speak with Kimberly Jones about a bookstore from her hometown and how bookstores have changed throughout the years

Oral History Interview With Ryan Painter.mp3
In this interview Ryan Painter talks about his experiences with a bookshop in Front Royal Virginia. Ryan talks about how bookstores were helpful to him growing up and how they are important to history.

Oral history Interview.mp3
In this Interview, a specific account is detailed through the experience of someone who has frequently visited a bookstore. What drew them to the bookstore and what impact it had on them and the community is addressed.
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