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In this interview, Amy Rohrer shares her experiences as the manager of Booksavers of Virginia in Harrisonburg. Rohrer elaborates on the significant role that the bookstore plays in not only her life but in the lives of those in the Harrisonburg…

An Interview with Allison Wetzel
This interview covers one avid user of American indie-style book stores and her thoughts about these book stores in American society.

oral history interview.mp3
Alicia talks about her experiences in used bookstores and Borders growing up as a child and how her love for reading began. She discusses her opinion of the growing technology generation and its affect on reading. She also shares her experiences at…

Oral interview.mp3
The interview had covered several topics. Ranging from her experience with customers at the bookstore. To things such as her roll while working at the bookstore.

Hist225 Interview.mp3
In this Interview Aj talks about his life growing up with books and visiting the bookstore. He grew up to work in the coffee shop in the book store and was always around them. AJ exclaims that he was influenced greatly by the people he met at the…

The Strand Interview.m4a
A personal look into the day-to-day on goings at one of New York City's most historic bookstores through the eyes of a veteran employee.
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