Browse Collections (23 total)

Madison County SNP Records: Court Proceedings


The first series in the Madison County SNP Records collection consists of 363 files related to the court proceedings from The State Commission on…

Augusta County African American Records: Miscellaneous Documents


This collection contains all of the digitized Augusta County Circuit Court records pertaining to African American history. This collection is an…

Contributors: Library of Virginia, Kofile Technologies, Augusta County Genealogical Society, Matthew Wingfield

Augusta Country Newspapers (1994-2002)


This collection consists of newspaper issues published in Augusta County, Virginia, from 1994 to 2002. The collection provides a detailed view of…

Contributors: Staff writers include Vera Hailey, Betty Jo Hamilton, Roberta Hamlin, Jeff Ishee, Penny Plemmons, Deborah Sensabaugh, Sue Simmons, Nancy Sorrells, Chris Marrs, Leslie Scheffel, Cherie Taylor, and Julie Grimm., Decklan Wilkerson digitized the physical newspapers.