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This bill seeks to create an uniform non-discrimination policy regardless of sexual orientation.
“Senior Hall,” was constructed in 1935, and is known today as Converse Hall. Like “Junior Hall,” a dorm hostess also resided in the Hall and oversaw building and student activities.
Parlors are ways of structuring the space inside a building to channel visitors in a certain way, rather than opening directly into living space. The Senior Hall parlor, inside of what is today Cleveland, was a formalized space with its own set of…
Printed in a 1954 issue of Madison College's newspaper, The Breeze, this article demonstrates the strained relationship between blacks and whites in 1950s America--college campuses not exempt. Made up in ‘blackface’, white students held a party with…

One local schoolboy found a better vantage point for the afternoon performances by climbing a tree.
A cartoon depiction, titled “The Doors of the Dorms,” utilized racial language and a negative portrayal of university black employees.
An image from the 1917 issue of the School Ma’am yearbook demonstrates racial insensitivity on campus. With the caption, “A Dark Night at the Normal,” white students have donned ‘blackface.’ Blackface has been critiqued for contributing to the…

Tunnel book with small pamphlet book attached and red four flap; thin board covered in red paper; cover of pamphlet book is made with a thick textured brown paper/cardstock?; translucent white paper; green binding thread; hand colored photocopy…

Vertical Timeline 4 PDF.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.

Vertical Timeline 3 PDF.pdf
Informational timeline of the school's on-campus dormitories.
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