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In this interview, Patti Aldridge describes her experiences in her favorite bookstore. Although The Rock no longer exists, she reflects on reasons why she enjoyed visiting this local bookstore so frequently. She also discusses reasons why she…

Interview with Susan Burwell.m4a
I, Nora Raher, visited the Reston's Used Bookshop in Reston, Virginia to conduct and interview with Susan Burwell, current owner of the Reston's Used Bookshop.

Throughout this interview, a specific bookstore was addressed. Specifically, the interviewee talked about how he was drawn into the bookstore, reasons why he decided to keep coming back the bookstore, how bookstores have changed, and whether or not…

History Interview.mp3
Mrs. Debbie gives us insight of what it is like owning a small bookstore and shares with us her journey over the years and how her store relates to her competition.

Ann Bookstore Interview.mp3
In this interview, Ann talks about her love of books, especially picture books, and the importance of books for educational purposes. She also shares her thoughts on bookstores vs. libraries and physical books vs. online books. She brings up the role…

interview FINAL - 10:24:15, 9.44 PM.mp3
A man's account of how a love of reading was instilled in him at a young age. More specifically, he describes how McKay Used Books was a part of his life at an important time, and is now a part of his children's lives. He compares used bookstores,…

In this interview Professor Shick discussed how

This interview gives a brief summary of Dr. Brian Flota's experiences with bookstores and how he views the state of the industry today. Dr. Flota is an English Librarian at James Madison University, and he has been to many unique bookstores…

Dr. Shah Hanifi interview MP3.mp3
Dr. Shah Hanifi recounts his experiences at two different bookstores. One in Ann Arbor Michigan and one in New Delhi India. He describes to me, how he felt when he was in these two bookstores, the differences between the two considering one is in…

Final Interview For History Project.m4a
In this interview Trevor Thomas talks about his recent experience of buying Mystery Lovers Bookshop in Oakmont, Pa. Also, he describes the different experiences customers go through depending if they shop at a privately owned bookstore, compared to…

Jane Kolb Interview 1.mp3
This interview covered the ways in which the bookstore helped the interviewee discover her love for reading. This bookstore helped her get involved with the community and gave her a place to entertain her children. She talks about how the means in…

Bookstore Interview - 10:25:15, 11.36 AM.mp3
In this interview George Schroeder talks about what it was like to work at a bookstore in an artsy town in Pennsylvania in the mid 1980s. He discusses how the bookshop was such an integral part to the community. He contrasts today's world with the…

Bookstore Interview.mp3
In this interview, I am speaking with Donna McFadden an employee of Wellington Square Books, which is is located in Exton, Pennsylvania. We talked about the bookstore in general, the owner of the store, and Ms. McFadden's interest in books and…

New Recording (1).m4a
Doug Whitman worked in a bookstore as a teenager. He described his memorable experiences of authors coming into the bookstore for children signings.

Oral history interview.mp3
The interview covers Stacey Hoobler's personal experiences with books and bookstores. She talks about how bookstores are more than just a place to visit every once in a while. They are an escape for her and they have always been a place where she can…

Bob Shurtz - Medium.mp3
The interview covers Bob Shurtz's experience of owning a bookstore after he was offered to buy it off from two JMU students who had opened it for a class project. He talks about the types of books that are sold at the store, how downtown Harrisonburg…

Interview 2.mp3
The interview was about Mrs. Groover and her experiences with different bookshops in India and here in the U.S after she moved about 15 years ago. She recalls memories including her first trip to a bookshop in India and how they helped her to get…

The interview of Ms. Blowin was about her experience as a worker in a bookshop in Old Town Manassas and her encounters with the different varieties of people that come through to visit and read.

Oral History Caitlin Fell.mp3
This interview covers Caitlin Fell's experience working at a local bookstore in the city of Sparta, NJ. She speaks about the history of the bookstore before and after her family owned it, the store's involvement in the community, and then briefly…

Sam Rogers.mp3
The interview covers Sam Rodgers' take on the bookstores' survival in a society of e-books and e-commerce; a society in which the closing of big name bookstores has become more and more noticeable.

Prescott P. Palmer Interview (
A recollection of his experiences with bookstores traveling from port to port in the Navy. But more importantly his memory of the first big chain bookstore to come to his town in 1970. (Barnes & Noble)

Interview with McKennah Blouin by Tanya Kumar.mp3
The interview talks about her experience in the bookshop in a building that is roughly about 100 years old that used to be an old men's clothing shop but she focuses on her experiences as a present day worker dealing with over 100,000 books

Katherine Warner Interivew by Josephine Smith.mp3
This interview features Katherine Warner's experience with the Woodbridge 2nd and Charles used book store, as well as her experience with other bookstores in comparison.

Janet Smith interview.mp3
This interview covers Janet Smith's experience with the Barnes and Noble bookstore in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and how she perceives the store. It also addresses some perceived differences between this bookstore and other bookstores that Janet has…

The interview covers Cynthia Davis's reflection on her experiences with bookstores throughout her life. She discusses the importance of books as a poor child and how technology has changed the bookstore culture.

The interview covers Zachary Kane's reflections on his relationship with books and bookstores throughout his life, particularly during his college career as an English major at a large public university.

He talks about the evolution of the bookstore in his small town in Ohio as well as internationally. Provides a unique perspective into how different countries use a bookstore compared to the United States. Also, discusses technological impacts on…

Archie discusses his experience in a small town where there was no bookstore and he had to travel a great distance to get there. He also described how the computer has impacted and will eventually make the bookstore obsolete.

Taylor Oversmith Interview.mp3
A social work major at James Madison University speaks about her relationships with bookstores over the course of her life and talks about her ideas of the future of them in society.

The interview covers Robert's experiences in bookstores all throughout America during his travel in the Navy. He has visited about fifteen different bookstores in different states and explains differences and similarities between them, as well as…
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