Photograph of wedding party (total of nine people and an infant, including Carol Awkard Neyland and Lindsey Neyland) at Linda and Al's Wedding at Jas. Awkard's home in Wilmington, NC from page thirty-six of the red family photo album
Photograph of Wilson Fairfax, grandson of James "Jimmy" Fairfax Jr. and great grandson of James Fairfax and Mary Awkard Fairfax, at age twelve in bowtie and cumberbun by a red couch from page thirty-seven of the red family photo album
Close up black and white photograph of a young female student with a striped dress shirt with dotted pattern and a frilly white collar above a fabric ribbon
Black and white photograph of five young female students sitting with dolls and four young students standing behind with dolls on stage at the Lucy F. Simms School from Simms information baggie